
Monday, January 23, 2012

sunflowers, small pickings, and a swap:

I like to grow sunflowers!
I love them, they are bright and cheery and put a smile on my face every time I look at their golden sunshiney-ness.
I like to keep the seeds from my sunflowers.
I keep the seeds to plant the following year and I also like to share my sunflower seeds with family and friends so they can grow their own beautiful sunflowers.
This morning I went to visit my sunflowers, I hadn't checked on their progress for a couple of days.
And this is what I found: *huge gasp*
Now I don't mind sharing some of my seeds with the native birds or nocturnal creatures, but I definitely am not sharing all of them!
After a little huffing and puffing, I cut the sunflower heads off so I can salvage the remaining seeds.
They are going inside the house and into an old pillowcase.

In the veggie garden also this morning I harvested some more small stuff;
yellow toms
the lovely large beetroot, which will be roasted up tonight Jamie Oliver style.
I am looking forward to harvesting these Golden Nugget pumpkins,
The bush cucumbers are making progress,
And I am planning on making a chilli paste with these beauties....I just need to find a recipe.
Have you ever made a chilli paste? How do you preserve your chillies?

This morning I also discovered a Swap!! I have heard of this swap before but never participated.
It is the Vintage Sheet Fat Quarter Swap hosted by Kel over at green tea and red nails

I have signed up and added a link in my sidebar.
I have a couple of vintage sheets in my material stash and I will be venturing out to the op-shops to find some more!
What are you up to on this sunny Monday?


  1. thanks for the link! your garden is looking great! i LOVE sunflowers but haven't been able to grow them! grr! maybe ill have to give it anyther shot this year :)

    Kel x

  2. Beautiful post!
    I love sunflowers too, and longing for flower season!

  3. Wow Sharon - what an awesome post!!!

    What a bummer about the Sunflower bandit...

    I love all of your vegie pix and that swap sure does sound like fun. I can't wait to see what sheets you find to send to your partner..

    Jodie :)

  4. Thank you ladies!
    @green tea & red nails - you are welcome! I am looking forward to this swap! Sunflowers are sometimes temperamental, I plant my seeds out in early spring! Snail and slugs enjoy the seedlings too!
